HSE Updates Driving At Work Guidance
According to the UK Department for Transport, at least 26% of all road casualties involve someone driving for work. The latest version of the guidance contains a recap on the relevant laws that apply and how to systematically manage work-related road safety, including assessing risks on the road. A useful checklist is also provided covering the three fundamental pillars of road safety: Driver, Vehicle and Journey factors. Links are also provided to sources of further information.
Brake, the Road Safety charity welcomed the new HSE guidance.
Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive of Brake commented, "driving is the riskiest activity most employees engage in, and a huge proportion of devastating road casualties involve someone who's driving on company time. It's therefore essential that organisations with staff who drive for work are aware of the simple, low-cost steps they can take to protect their drivers and the public. I would urge all organisations with employees who drive on work time to read this updated HSE guidance, alongside Brake's essential guide to fleet safety, to ensure their risk management policies and practices are up to date and in line with best practice."
The full HSE guidance document is available to download here: HSE (UK)
Brake's Essential Guide to Fleet Safety can be obtained here: Brake Professional