Watch Out, If you Drive for Work
IN the course of an excellent recent presentation by a member of the Garda Traffic Corps, we were shown two video clips. The videos raise questions about how seriously road safety is taken by those who are driving as part of their job – and by their employers.
Research suggests as many as one-in-three collisions involve those who are driving for work.
There is no difference between a factory, office or company car, if that's where your workplace is, when it comes to the safety of employees.
But while it's an employer's legal responsibility to manage any risks in the course of work, a study by the RSA, HSA and Gardai shows that two-in-three businesses do not provide road safety information to employees who drive as part of their job.
Half the businesses surveyed had no policies or procedures.
If you drive for a living, you are likely to be involved in 30pc to 40pc more collisions than ordinary drivers. So it is vital that businesses understand the importance of providing information. It's also the law.
Full story: Irish Independent