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Businesses Fear Staff Using Phones While Driving

More than two-thirds (68%) of UK businesses are concerned their employees are using smart phones access the internet or text while driving for work.

The study by TomTom Telematics also found that 33% of organisations still have not taken steps to prevent employees from using mobile phones while driving, whether through specific policies, training or education.

Beverley Wise, director UK and Ireland at TomTom Telematics, said: "The World Health Organisation (WHO) has called mobile phone use a ‘serious and growing threat to road safety’ and these results further highlight the extent of the problem faced by businesses.

“It’s a problem employers’ must tackle, however, if they are to demonstrate a genuine commitment to the wellbeing of their staff.

“A clear policy on the use of mobile phones should form part of a best practice approach to road safety, but cultural change is also vital.

"Ingrained habits are hard to break but continuous training, education and communication can help to change employees’ mindsets and encourage a greater focus on safe driving.”

The research also revealed that 68% of organisations still allow hands-free use of mobile phones by employees driving for business purposes.

However, studies have shown that talking on a hands-free phone can be as distracting as talking on a hand-held mobile.

Wise added: "Technology such as telematics can also play an important role in helping to identify when employees are driving distracted by continuously monitoring performance. Incidences of harsh steering or braking, for example, might be indicative of greater problems that require attention.”

Source: Fleet News