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ICFM to Hold Road Risk Management Masterclass

ICFM to hold Operational Road Risk Management Masterclass with Focus on cost savings benefits to businesses.

Occupational road risk management is good business practice, but for too many employers it is a ‘tick box compliance exercise’ without a real focus on reducing costs, according to ICFM.

That’s why the organisation dedicated to advancing the profession of car and light commercial fleet management through a range of externally endorsed qualifications, is holding its second Masterclasses – free for both members and non-members – on operational road risk.

Department for Transport data reveals that road crashes in 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, cost the British economy an estimated £35.55 billion taking into account human costs, lost productivity, medical, ambulance and police costs, insurance and administration and property damage*.

What’s more, with around a third of road traffic collisions involving a person at work, the government-backed Driving for Better Business campaign, has calculated that based on a 10% return on sales, businesses would have to sell £60,000 worth of goods to cover the cost of a £3,000 crash.

ICFM director Peter Eldridge said: “Many fleets introduce measures such as driver licence checking as part of their work-related road safety programmes, but the real focus should be on reducing the cost of crashes.

“Complying with the law is important, but if directors and fleet decision-makers better understood the real-world cost to their businesses of crashes they would take significant action. Improving road safety is about reducing crashes and the associated cost savings will be reflected in company profits. It is easier for businesses to be pro-active in crash prevention than to sell many thousands of pounds worth of additional products.”

Source: ICFM