HSA, RSA & Gardaí Announce Driving for Work Seminars

The Health and Safety Authority, Road Safety Authority and An Garda Siochana plan to run a series of nationwide morning seminars in Ireland in October on Managing Driving for Work.

The aim of the seminars is to;

  • outline legal obligations in relation to driving for work activities

  • inform and educate employers about how to implement safe driving for work practices

  • inform employers on key requirements for managing drivers

  • launch new guidance and resources to help employers understand and manage driving for work risks effectively

  • outline key requirements for fleet and vehicle management

  • show best practice examples of companies who effectively manage driving for work and get multiple business benefits.

The October seminar dates and locations are:

5th October,  Cork

6th October,  Dublin

26th October,  Galway

27th October,  Sligo

Book your place now by sending an e-mail to drivingforwork@rsa.ie


Irish Road Safety Week 2016


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