RSA, HSA & Gardaí To Focus On Car Driving At Work

In the coming months, the RSA, HSA & An Garda Síochana will roll-out a series of activities to raise awareness among employers of driving for work responsibilities.  This programme will include a new Driving for Work ad campaignfact-sheets including Driving for Work My Responsibilities (aimed at employers) and Driving My Car for Work (aimed at employees).  In parallel, an online Driving for Work course will be launched in June with a revision of the 2009 Driving for Work Guidelines. Following this will be a series of morning seminars on Driving for Work in Cork, Dublin, Sligo and Galway, due to take place in October.

DriverFocus welcomes this very positive development which will further encourage employers to be proactive around road risk and help us all to get home safe at the end of the day

Source: RSA


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