10 Steps to Better, Safer Driver Behaviour
A key pillar of any Responsible Driver Programme is managing driver behaviour. While many employers remain blind to the actual performance of their staff while driving for work - usually until something bad happens! - others have taken innovative, proactive steps to reduce risk and costs.
This month, one of our key partners, TomTom Telematics has detailed what DriverFocus has also found to be an effective 10 step guide to improving driver behaviour.
From getting buy-in from drivers and creating efficiency champions to league tables and targeted training, below we outline how can you cut speeding and harsh braking to create more efficient, safer driving and fuel savings.
1. Where are you now - Analyse current performance
2. Where do you want to be - Set targets
3. Share your plans with senior management
4. Share your plans with drivers
5. Identify the problem drivers
6. Address problem drivers
7. Reward improvements and good driving behaviour
8. Share results effectively
9. Review and Refine
10 Find out more.
Further help and information - Contact Us and visit TomTom Telematics 10 Steps to Better Driver Behaviour