HSA: Managing Driving for Work - Don’t let it be a grey area
Managing the duty of care to employees driving for work is a legal requirement, and this includes employees driving their own vehicles for work. Employees may receive a payment or allowance for using their own vehicle for work purposes.
Employers must provide a safe working environment, safe systems of work to enable safe driving for work behaviour and practices.
Driver’s having a current driving licence, suitable insurance and a valid current NCT would be a minimum requirement. A driving for work risk assessment should be carried out to identify all potentiaal risks to employees who drive for work, both general and those specific to the business. The risk assessment should identify what could cause harm, how severe and how likely. It should also identify suitable control measures or actions to eliminate or reduce the likelihood and severity of harm to employees.
Employers should then develop a clear policy and supporting procedures which incorporate safety control measures. Employers should communicate procedures and rules around driving own vehicles for work purposes to all employees. Without this, employers may be wholly liable in the event of an driving for work incident or work related road collision.
For practical information on how to meet your legal and moral obligations and to ensure your grey fleet driver management isn't a grey area. Visit www.vehiclesatwork.ie for more information.